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SQL vs NoSQL.   By  Jeewantha Hiddalarachchi. In this tutorial, I going to discuss the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases. Let's start with a brief explanation about SQL and NoSQL. What is SQL? Structured Query language (SQL) is the standard language to communicate and deal with relational databases.  A relational database is a form of tables. Basically, we use SQL to insert, search, update and delete database records but it helps users to do lots of things like optimizing and maintenance of databases. SQL databases are table-based databases and there are vertically scalable. Not only that but also SQL has a predefined schema and always requires specialized DB hardware for better performance. Examples SQL databases -   MySQL  Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Sybase What is NoSQL? NoSQL is a non-relational Database Management System. And also NoSQL not like SQL because it does not require a fixed schema, avoids joins. It is mainly focused o...

JavaScript Frameworks.

JavaScript Frameworks. 

By Jeewantha Hiddalarachchi.

Brief Explanation of the JavaScript.

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm programming language and it supports event-driven, functional, and imperative programming styles including object-oriented and prototype-based programming. previously, JavaScript used for the applications as a client-side language but now we can see JavaScript is used as a server-side programming language.

What is a JavaScript Framework?

JavaScript framework is an application framework that is written and developed in JavaScript. Basically, It helps users to manipulate functions and use them for their convenience ways. 

Normally, Frameworks are very adaptive for website designing. Also, JavaScript frameworks are types of tools that help programmers do programming easier. They also make it possible to code the application as a device responsive. 

Okay. Let's talk about six popular JavaScript Frameworks Briefly.

01. Angular.

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework and it is a most efficient and powerful framework. Angular Team in Google and community of individuals and corporations.

It helps to extend the HTML into the application and interprets the attributes to perform data binding.

Features of Angular - 
Generic features - 
  • Cross-Platform - can develop progressive web applications(PWA). PWA offers an app-like experience to the audience using modern web capabilities.
  • High speed and Optimum Performance - faster loading time and code split automatically.
Technical features - 
  • MVC Architecture (Model-View-Controller Architecture).
  • Two-way Data Binding - The View layer exactly represents the Model layer and they stay in perfect synchronization. If you make any change in the model, the users can see it in the view model automatically. Thus, it decreases important development time.
  • Less code Framework.
Official website link -

02. React.

React is an open-source, front-end, JavaScript library for building User Interface (UI) components. It is created by Facebook but it developed not only Facebook but also a community of individuals and companies. It used to develop and operate the dynamic UIs of the web pages with high incoming traffic. 

Basically, It makes the use of virtual DOM  and its integration of application is more straightforward than others frameworks.

Features of React - 
  • JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extention) -  used with React to describe what the interface should look like.  
  • Virtual DOM - React keeps the lightweight representative of the real DOM in the memory known as VDOM. This VDOM helps make things move faster than other front-end technologies by updating each object even if only a single object changes in the web app.
  • Performance - Faster than other front-end technologies because of VDOM.
  • Extensions - Flux and Redux.
  • One-way Data Binding - keep everything modular and fast. This binding helping to developers to identifying the nested child components within parent components and giving them better control of the whole web app.
  • Debugging - easy to test due to the large developer community.
  • Component-based - in react, everything is a component, and every component divided into small components to create views or UIs. Every part of the application visuals wrapped inside a component.
  • Event handling - Fully compatible with W3C object model event system and provides a cross-browser interface to a native event. It helps to reduce memory head by as event system is implemented through event delegation and has a pool of event objects.
Official website link -

03. Vue.js.

Vue.js is an open-source model-view-view model front-end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue.js innovated by Evan You and maintained by Evan You and his rest active core team members.

It is a reliable platform for developing cross-platform.

Features of Vue.js - 
  • Virtual DOM
  • Two-way Data Binding.
  • CSS Transition and Animations - Provides methods to apply a transition to HTML elements when added, updated, or removed from the DOM.
  • Less Complexity - Builds simple applications in a single day.
Official website link -

04. Node.js.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment. It runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Basically, in Previous times It uses for Server-Side programming but nowadays it also uses for front-end programming too. Therefore Node.js represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm.

Node.js is distributed development project and earlier, it governed by Node.js Foundation but now it manages by the JS Foundation to form the OpenJS Foundation.

Node.js has an event-driven architecture capable of asynchronous I/O. These design choices aim to optimize throughput and scalability in web applications with many input/output operations, as well as for real-time Web applications.

Features of Node.js - 
  • Asynchronous and Event-Driven. -  All the APIs of the Node.js library are asynchronous and it means Node-based servers never wait for an API to return data and helps the server to get a response from the previous API call.
  • Very Fast. -  Node.js build on the V8 JavaScript engine of Google Chrome.
  • Single-Threaded. - Along with event looping, follows a single-threaded model.
  • License - Released under the MIT license.
Official website link -

05. Koa.js.

Koa.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is an open-source framework developed and maintained by the creators of Express.js, the most popular node web framework.

Therefore Koa.js represents a "Next-generation web framework for Node.js" as its paradigm.

Features of Koa.js -
  • Modern and Future proof.
  • Simplify synchronous programming and facilitate the flow of controls using ES6 generators. 
  • Helps to write thinner middlewares than other Node.js Frameworks.
  • Build-in catchall for errors -  help to prevent website crashes.
  • Uses context objects - for encapsulation of request and response objects.
Official website link -

06. Express.js.

Express.js, or simply Express, is a back-end web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and APIs.

Its Original author is T.J Holowaychuk.

Express is famous for back-end components development stacks like the MEAN, MERN,
or MEVN together with MongoDB.

Features of Express.js -
  • Faster server-side development.
  • Middleware. -  Middleware is a part of the program that has access to the database, client request, and the other middlewares. It is mainly responsible for the systematic organization of different functions of Express.js.
  • Routing. - provides a highly advanced routing mechanism and that helps to preserve the state of the web page.
  • Templating. - Provide templating engines. that helps to build dynamic content on web pages.
  • Debugging. - Providing a debugging mechanism that has the ability to exact the part of the web app which includes the bug.
Official website link -


We discussed some JavaScript Frameworks and their features. We also learn how to use them in our projects and how JavaScript can help us create perfect projects.

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you have a better idea about this topic...😊.
